
If you want to know all about us and see all the products (bags and accessories),

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Making bags is not a job, it’s my obsession.

I love the craft that comes with creating from leather and I want to celebrate its traditions

while also pushing the boundaries.

I’m only interested in designing beautiful bags that people will get a buzz from.

Whether they’re glamorous, practical or simply funky, bags are an extension of a person’s personality and Koi-Amsterdam bags reflect the many moods and contradictions of the modern world.

My philosophy


Sint-Annenstraat 28A

1012 HE Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Email:   info@Koi-Amsterdam.com

Tel:  +31 6 24 89 34 50

Open from Saturday until Tuesday and on appointment

Copyright 2024 © F. Deloor for Koi-Amsterdam

My philosophy